Jul 13
10:00 pm
2:00 am
The Piston
937 Bloor St W
$10 before 10:30pm, $15 after

Love Tempo ❤️🔥 Saturday July 13th
We are excited to announce our guest dj VJOLLCA
Vjollca @violcayryku and Kiki LeFreak @kikilefreak are back at again! Come see this classic veteran duo rock the party. They have been djing together since 2003 till now. No parking on the dance floor
Respect for consent and diversity is The Piston law and anyone who disrespects this can expect quick expulsion.
The Piston is an accessible space. The bar has no stairs at the door and has a single stall all-gender washroom on the main floor.
We ask if you’re not feeling well or starting to feel symptoms of a cold to stay home. If you’ve recently recovered from one and have a lingering cough, masks are encouraged (not limited to just COVID, to any kind of viral cold)
⌚10pm to close
💵 $10 b4 11pm after $15
📍 The Piston @thepistonbar
937 Bloor St W near Ossington