Oct 26
11:00 am
2:30 pm
519 Community Centre
519 Church Street

2SLGBTQ+ families and children, show off your glam and dazzle away! Get ready for a boo-tiful Halloween with food, activities, a fashion show and a spooky dance party with @the519earlyon!
Look forward to:
Boo-tiful music by DJ PSI (@eyeofpsi)
Dance party with Toronto Kiki Ballroom (@mrmapleleaf)
Face painting with Stephanie Dubuisson (@glam_doll_beauty_bar)
Pumpkin decorating
Lunch, tricks, and treats!
Celebrations are on Saturday, October 26 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM At The 519 [519 Church St.]
This event is for 2SLGBTQ+ families and children and is open to all families committed to creating safe, affirming, and equitable spaces for all.
Please e-mail Glitterbug@The519.org with any questions.
[Image description: Images of three of the event's performers: Twysted Miyake Mugler, Stephanie Dubuisson, and DJ Psi over a background with cartoon ghosts. Text reads: Halloween Hullabaloo, 2SLGBTQ+ Family Celebration. Saturday, October 26, 11am to 2:30pm. Logos for The 519, EarlyON, and Glitterbug.]